
Eye Pressure

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Eye Pressure services offered in Walnut Creek, CA

Researchers estimate that between three and six million Americans have high eye pressure. High eye pressure increases your risk of vision loss and other potential problems without treatment. At Diablo Eye Associates in Walnut Creek, California, the ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists provide high-quality care for eye pressure. Call the office to receive treatment for eye pressure today, or book online. 

Eye Pressure Q & A

What is eye pressure?

Eye pressure, or intraocular pressure (IOP), refers to the level of fluid pressure inside of your eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. A healthy and normal intraocular pressure is between 10 and 20 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). If your IOP is higher, it indicates an underlying problem, such as glaucoma.

What are the symptoms of high eye pressure?

High eye pressure doesn’t always present obvious symptoms, but there are signs to watch out for, including:

  • Eye pain
  • Headaches
  • A feeling of fullness behind one or both eyes
  • Low vision 
  • Blurred vision
  • Red eyes

As the pressure builds, you might also experience gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea or vomiting.

Does eye pressure always cause damage?

No. High eye pressure affects everyone differently. You have ocular hypertension if your eye pressure is elevated without any other symptom. Ocular hypertension occurs when the front of your eye fails to drain fluid properly. Over time, that causes pressure in your eye to build up.

Ocular hypertension is similar to glaucoma, but it isn’t the same. Ocular hypertension simply means your eye pressure is above average, while glaucoma is a disease that causes permanent damage to the optic nerve.

How is eye pressure diagnosed?

To diagnose eye pressure, your Diablo Eye Associates provider reviews your medical charts and asks about your symptoms. Then, they complete an eye exam. During the exam, your provider dilates your eyes to get a closer look at your retina and optic nerve and orders ocular pressure tests (tonometry) to measure your eye pressure.

After gathering the necessary information, your provider makes treatment recommendations.

How is eye pressure treated?

Treatment of high eye pressure depends on your age and the severity of your symptoms. If your eye pressure is slightly elevated, your provider might recommend healthy lifestyle changes and a wait-and-watch approach. If you have elevated IOP, your provider might prescribe pressure-lowering eye drops or surgery.

What can I do to reduce high eye pressure?

There are several things you can do to reduce high eye pressure. The eye specialists at Diablo Eye Associates recommend eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and cutting back on caffeine.

Call Diablo Eye Associates to learn more about treatment for high eye pressure today, or click the online booking feature.