Almost everyone experiences eye floaters from time to time, but if they occur constantly or interfere with your vision, it’s important to seek professional help. At Diablo Eye Associates in Walnut Creek, California, the ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists use advanced methods of care to treat and minimize floaters. To make an appointment at the practice, call the office today, or schedule online.
Eye floaters are dots, spots, or cobwebs that appear in your line of vision. When you try and look at them directly, they often dart away.
Most floaters are the result of changes in your eyes that occur due to the natural aging process. Over the years, the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. This causes the microscopic fibers to cling together, casting shadows on your retina.
Almost everyone sees floaters on occasion, but if they occur suddenly or you notice a sudden increase in their appearance, contact the team at Diablo Eye Associates right away.
Symptoms of eye floaters include:
If you experience more floaters than usual, or you experience floaters with peripheral vision loss, it may point to an underlying condition.
Floaters are typically a side-effect of the natural aging process, but they can also occur due to:
You might also experience floaters due to medication. When injected into your eye, certain drugs cause air bubbles to form, affecting your vision.
To diagnose floaters, your Diablo Eye Associates provider conducts a comprehensive eye screening, including visual acuity tests and pupil dilation. Dilating your pupils makes it easier for them to see the back of your eye, including your retina and vitreous.
Treatment of floaters depends on the underlying cause and their effect on your daily life. If your floaters are due to bleeding, diabetes, or inflammation, your Network Eye provider develops a custom care plan to treat the underlying cause.
If your eye floaters impair your vision, more complex forms of treatment might be necessary, including:
During this procedure, a team of glaucoma and cataract-trained surgeons removes your vitreous through a small incision and replaces it with a solution that helps maintain your eyes’ shape.
During this type of treatment, your provider uses a special laser to target and destroy floaters within the vitreous. This process causes them to break up, making them less noticeable.
To learn more about the treatment options for floaters, make an appointment by calling the office today, or click the online scheduling tool.