
Lens Implant

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Lens Implant services offered in Walnut Creek, CA

If you have cataracts, a lens implant can restore your vision and improve your quality of life. At Diablo Eye Associates in Walnut Creek, California, the ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists use intraocular lens implants to complete cataract surgery. Call the office to request a lens implant consultation today, or book online. 

Lens Implant Q & A

What is a lens implant?

A lens implant is a man-made medical device that replaces the natural lens in your eye. A lens implant can improve your vision and visual health if you develop cataracts.

Cataracts occur because of age-related changes to the proteins in your eye. Those changes cause your lens to become cloudy, resulting in blurred vision and other problems. A lens implant provides a safe and effective treatment with very few risks.

What are the types of lens implants?

At Diablo Eye Associates, the providers offer several types of lens implants, including:

Monofocal intraocular lens (IOL)

A monofocal lens is focused at a fixed distance. It can’t make adjustments like a natural lens to help your eye focus. As a result, you might need to wear glasses after the implant’s placed.

Multifocal implant

If you wear bifocals, your provider might prescribe a multifocal implant. These implants allow you to see at different distances, but they take several months to get used to.

Accommodating IOL

Accommodating IOLs mimic your natural lens’s ability to focus at different distances. Many people who opt for these lenses can stop wearing reading glasses.

Toric IOL

If you have astigmatism or an abnormally shaped cornea, your eye doctor prescribes a toric IOL. Toric IOLs change how light reflects off of your cornea, sharpening your vision.

What does getting a lens implant involve?

At Diablo Eye Associates, getting a lens implant takes two visits.

During the first visit, your provider completes an eye exam, measures your eye, and selects an artificial lens that will most benefit you. They also prescribe medicated eye drops to use in the days leading up to the procedure and ask you to stop wearing contact lenses (if you do).

You return to the office a week later for the lens placement procedure.

Your provider numbs your eye with an anesthetic and makes a small incision in your cornea to access your lens. They use special tools to break up your lens into small pieces and then carefully remove it. Then, your provider inserts the intraocular lens implant into your eye. The incisions heal on their own, so there are no incisions or sutures.

After treatment, your provider moves you to a room for observation and provides recovery instructions.

Call Diablo Eye Associates today to see if you can benefit from a lens implant or book online.